Admissions/Registrar's Office » New Scholar Orientation (NSO)

New Scholar Orientation (NSO)

New information for the 2025-2026 school year NSO will be posted soon! 
Welcome to The ASK Academy! See important information below for both the 6th grade and the 9th grade Orientations! 
Sixth Grade Orientation (and New Middle School Scholar Orientation) 
The ASK Academy will host a sixth grade orientation on July 30, 2024 from 8:30 AM to approximately 12:00 PM. (Any new middle school scholar should attend this orientation.) *Plan is subject to change due to current construction of the 6th grade building. 
This orientation will help our scholars transition into middle school. Expected events: 
-Schedule pick-up
-Meet the MS Principal
-Meet the MS Managers and staff
-Walk through schedule - each 6th grade Manager will have a presentation for the families
-Pay fees (computer fee ($30), and general supplies fee ($30)
-Check out computers - All 6th grade scholars must rent an ASK Academy laptop. This is for the safety of all of our scholars. 
-Locker check out for 7th - 8th grade new scholars only (first come-first served)
-In and outs of the new PowerSchool
-Learn how to navigate The ASK Academy
-Uniform purchase 
-Check out clubs
Does my scholar have to attend orientation?
Yes, but we understand circumstances arise that make it impossible. We will be sure to help your scholar on the first day maneuver their way around the campus. 
Can parents attend with the scholar?
Please do! It will be a bit intimidating for a middle school scholar to go through it alone.
Does my scholar have to wear the school uniform to orientation?
Where can I find information about ordering the uniform before orientation?
That can be found here.

Will the nurse and counselor be present at orientation?
Can I drop off scholar medications, shot records, and other documentation to the nurse during orientation?
Ninth Grade Orientation (and New High School Scholar Orientation) - New! 
This year, The ASK Academy will be hosting a ninth grade orientation on July 30, 2024 from 9:30 AM to approximately 12:00 PM. (Any new high school scholar should attend this orientation.) 
This orientation will help our scholars transition into high school. Expected events: 
-Schedule pick-up
-Meet the new HS Principal
-Meet the HS Managers and staff
-Walk through schedule and chat with Managers - Get syllabus
-Pay fees (technology fees ($20), computer fee ($60), if applicable, and general supplies fee ($30)
-Check out computers (if appicable)
-Sign up for a locker. Bring a lock.  (First come-first served)
-In and outs of the new PowerSchool
-Uniform purchase or swap
-Join clubs
Does my scholar have to attend orientation?
It is not mandatory but highly encouraged. 
Can parents attend with the scholar?
Please do! (But it is not mandatory.)
Does my scholar have to wear the school uniform to orientation?
Where can I find information about ordering the uniform before orientation?
That can be found here.
Will the nurse and counselor be present at orientation?
Can I drop off scholar medications, shot records, and other documentation to the nurse during orientation?