Holly Kay Anthony » AP US History Information

AP US History Information


COURSE TITLE:    Advanced Placement United States History


PHONE:  505-891-0757            

EMAIL: [email protected]


AP U.S. History is designed to be the equivalent of a two-semester introductory college or university U.S. history course. In AP U.S. History, scholars investigate significant events, individuals, developments, and processes in nine historical periods from approximately 1491 to the present. Scholars develop and use the same skills, practices, and methods historians employ: analyzing primary and secondary sources; developing historical arguments; making historical comparisons; and utilizing reasoning about contextualization, causation, continuity, and change over time. The course also provides seven themes that scholars explore throughout the course to make connections among historical developments in different times and places: American and national identity; migration and settlement; politics and power; work, exchange, and technology; America in the world; geography and the environment; and culture and society. Scholars are preparing to take the AP exam for US History, which may lead to college credit.


CLASS EXPECTATIONS:  All scholars, the classroom contents  and the manager will be treated with respect and courtesy.  Additionally, you will be expected to:

  • Come to class prepared, on time, and ready to learn.
  • Be ACTIVE and FOCUSED in your learning.
  • Be respectful of all ideas talked about in class. The classroom is a JUDGMENT-free zone. OWN your learning: take responsibility for your attitude, skills, and knowledge.
  • Be willing to learn from your mistakes.
  • Use technology and equipment wisely and appropriately. Remember you/your parents entered into a written technology agreement with The ASK Academy.
  • Use manners, clean up after yourself, and put things back where you found them.
  • Plagiarism, Cheating, Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), ghostwriters, and any and all other academic dishonesty WILL NOT BE TOLERATED and will be met with the consequences as outlined in the student handbook.
  • Scholar cell phones will be put away and not visible during class unless you are directed to use your cell phone for classwork.
  • For focus/noise reduction, CORDED earbuds or headphones only, and they must NOT be plugged into any other electronic device (CELL PHONE).
  • Ask for help when you need help.



Scholars can expect from me:

  • A serious and rigorous learning environment with your success academically and on the AP Test as the driving force.
  • Make mistakes and learn from them.
  • Be open to communication and feedback from scholars.
  • Be available to help you Fridays 8:00 to 10:00 and at any other time with prior arrangements.
  • Be fair, consistent, and considerate.

STANDARDS:  This course is aligned with the New Mexico Public Education Standards.


Quarter Grades: Scholar’s semester grades will be calculated as follows:

In class work - 25%           Homework - 25%              Assessments - 50%

Semester Grades - Scholar’s semester grades will be calculated as follows:

Quarter 1 – 40%               Quarter 2 – 40%               Semester Final – 20%

Quarter 3 - 40%                 Quarter 4- 40%                  Semester Final - 20%

 GRADING SCALE:   The grading scale will follow the ASK Academy standards:

A+ = 96-100 %

A = 90-95 %  

B = 80-89 %   

C = 70-79 %   

N/C(No credit) = Below 70 %

HOMEWORK POLICY: By the nature of being an advanced placement course, you can expect to have homework multiple times per week.  It is imperative that you complete all homework assignments completely and on time.  You will be expected to be prepared for each day’s work.

If you do not complete classwork in the time allotted, you will have assigned yourself homework.


LATE WORK POLICY: I understand that circumstances happen.  Late work will be accepted only after consultation with me.  A grade of “0” will be put into PowerSchool as a place marker until the work is turned in.  You must communicate your situation to me.  I will not seek you out for an explanation. You will explain why the work is not done and exactly when the work will be turned in. 

ABSENCES:  When you are absent, it is your responsibility to complete the work for each day you are absent.  The week’s work will be located in Google Classroom with instructions in the Week at a Glance (WAG) also located in Google Classroom.  If you have questions or need help, it is your responsibility to contact me as soon as possible either by email or upon return.

PROJECT EXPECTATIONS:: Scholar work should be original. Grading for projects will be based on a rubric that includes dates for completion of specific benchmarks to keep scholars on track for successful completion. Grades for benchmark due dates will follow the policy listed above for Late Work and Absences. Because feedback and reflection are essential skills for scholars to develop, a component of the grade will be given on feedback and reflection techniques that we will practice in class. Grades for group projects will include a collaboration component determined by a peer evaluation rubric

2023-2024 SEMESTER 1*:  As nearly as possible, we will be following the College Board’s schedule of work for this course.  The following is preliminary and subject to change. You may want to print it out and keep it in your notebook.  Use this link to access it.

2023-2024 SEMESTER 2*: (If applicable)