Ms. Michelle Nuanez » Michelle Nuanez

Michelle Nuanez

headshotMichelle Nuanez has been with The ASK Academy since 2019 as the biomedical pathway lead and is licensed as a Level 2 teacher with endorsements in health and science. Her role within the biomedical pathway includes teaching the 10th-12th grade biomedical pathway courses, the coordinating and overseeing internship opportunities, coordination, reporting of the biomedical early college academy, career and college support, developing and coordinating the biomedical CTE program, developing community partnerships and serving as advisor for the high school HOSA organization. 
After working in the emergency department at Presbyterian for 3 years, Ms. Nuanez left healthcare to complete her bachelors and later masters degrees in biology at UNM. As a graduate teaching assistant she began considering a career in education. Upon completion she began teaching general biology and pre-healthcare courses at CNM. She remains a part-time faculty member at CNM and teaches introductory biology, microbiology and anatomy and physiology courses there.  
Professional experience:
2020-present   Biomedical pathway lead - The ASK Academy
2019-present   Project manager/Teacher - The ASK Academy
2016-present   Part-time/adjunct teaching faculty Biology dept. - Central NM Community College (CNM)
2013-2015       Graduate Teaching Assistant Biology dept.- University of New Mexico (UNM)
University of New Mexico, Bachelors of science, Biology
University of New Mexico, Masters of science, Biology
CNM Alternative Teaching Licensure program
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