Human Body Systems 1 (HBS1)
HBS 1 is the first of a two year anatomy and physiology course. In this course serves as a career pathway (CP) credit towards graduation requirements. Students will investigate the human body including anatomical and medical terminology, integumentary, skeletal, muscular, endocrine and nervous systems. Repeating themes of homeostatic balance, levels of organization, career exploration, medical law and ethics, community health and scientific literacy are embedded into the design of the course. Scholars will learn first aid and clinical skills including basic patient assessment and recognition of injury, first aid for orthopedic injuries, wound care, basic suturing, first aid for alcohol and drug overdose (naloxone administration) and mental health crisis first aid.
HBS1 utilizes the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Human Body Systems (PBS) curriculum as a skeleton for curriculum. Students will access PLTW curriculum through individual portals to complete some assignments. Additional learning materials are available through Openstax Anatomy and Physiology (2nd edition) . Lecture notes and other materials utilized will be made available through Google Classroom.
HBS1 follows the course learning objectives of CNM's Biol 2110 A&P1 course. It is encouraged that scholars complete this through CNM as dual credit either during spring or summer semester. *Pre-requisite courses must be completed prior to registering for dual credit.
Human Body Systems 2 (HBS2)
HBS 2 is the second of a two year anatomy and physiology course. In this course serves as a career pathway (CP) credit towards graduation requirements. Students will investigate the human body including the cardiopulmonary, urinary and reproductive systems. Repeating themes of homeostatic balance, levels of organization, career exploration, medical law and ethics, community health and scientific literacy are embedded into the design of the course. Scholars will earn their DOD Stop-The-Bleed and AHA Basic Life Support (BLS) certifications in this course.
HBS2 utilizes the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Human Body Systems (PBS) curriculum as a skeleton for curriculum. Students will access PLTW curriculum through individual portals to complete some assignments. Scholars will take the PLTW end of course assessment in May. Additional learning materials are available through Openstax Anatomy and Physiology (2nd edition) . Lecture notes and other materials utilized will be made available through Google Classroom.
HBS2 follows the course learning objectives of CNM's Biol 2225 A&P2 course. It is encouraged that scholars complete this through CNM as dual credit either during spring or summer semester. *Pre-requisite courses must be completed prior to registering for dual credit.
Community Health/CPR First Aid
Community Health/CPR First Aid is a 9-12 course that counts as a Career Pathway credit OR Health credit. This course explores health from a societal perspective including investigating social determinants of health, disparities within health in the US, vulnerable populations, and ethical debates over access of healthcare in America and beyond. In seconds semester scholars will gain skills associated with being a first responder to those in the community. Scholars will earn AHA Basic Life Support (BLS) and DOD Stop-The-Bleed certifications.
Allied Healthcare Careers - Independent Study (AHC IS)
The Allied Healthcare Careers class is reserved for scholars serving as HOSA officers and those participating in the honors pathway program. AHC serves as the capstone course if taken during senior year. AHC is an independent study course, however scholars will work cooperatively to support each other and work towards larger cooperative goals together.