Steven Cole » Mr. Cole, Eighth Grade Science 2024-2024

Mr. Cole, Eighth Grade Science 2024-2024

Welcome to My Page!
First, thank you for allowing me to educate your scholars this year! I look forward to amazing things this year. On my webpage, I will be posting a few things:
* My 2024-2025 Syllabus (English-found on the left-hand menu)
* My 2024-2025 Syllabus (Spanish-found on the left-hand menu)
* My 2024-2025 Course Map (Again, found on the left hand menu)
* My policy for late work, and uniforms (Main Page)
* ASK! Policies for attendance, (Main Page)
As always, please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions, concerns, or would just like to make contact. 
Thank you, 
Steven Cole
Policies, ASK! Academy, 2024-2025 

Semester Grades - Scholar’s semester grades will be calculated as follows:

Quarter 1 – 40%      Quarter 2 – 40%      Semester Final – 20%

Quarter 3 - 40% Quarter 4- 40% Semester Final - 20%


 GRADING SCALE:   The grading scale will follow the ASK Academy standards:

A+ = 96-100 % 

A = 90-95 %

B = 80-89 %

C = 70-79 %

N/C(No credit) = Below 70 %


ABSENCES: Per the scholar handbook, work for excused absences is equal to one additional day for each day of excused absence. For unexcused absences including trips and vacations, the scholar must make arrangements with the project manager for any late work consideration.  If you know ahead of time about unexcused absences, please make those arrangements prior to the absences. 


LATE WORK POLICY: The 8th grade team policy is as follows:   Late work is only accepted within one week of the original due date. Late work will receive a 20% deduction from the original grade, from the start. The scholar will have one week past the original due date to turn in that work. At that point, a zero will be entered as the scholar grade. If an assignment is late, when the grade is entered, it will be entered as a zero. Provided the scholar finishes and submits the assignment within the required week, the grade of zero will be changed to reflect the grade that they earned making up the assignments.   Schedule appointments to Utilize Friday Support hours for making up missing work.  Extension beyond that deadline for missing work will be at Project Manager’s discretion and an exception basis to extend for extenuating circumstances only.



ASK Academy scholars are expected to arrive on time (8:00AM) and be adequately prepared for their day. Please contact The ASK Academy on the website at: and click the Attendance link on the home page or call 505-891-0757 to notify us of your scholar’s absence. 

Uniform Policy

The Academy requires that all scholars wear a prescribed uniform. 

Tops (Shirts) – All scholars must wear an ASK polo shirt, with the ASK logo, purchased from an approved ASK vendor. The color of the ASK polo shirt identifies the scholar with their selected career pathway.  Polo shirts will not be overly baggy, nor exceedingly tight. Shoulder seams must be at the shoulders, and shirts cannot hang down below mid-thigh level.  Middle School – Red or Light Blue  High School –  Biomedical Sciences – Dark Green or Purple  Engineering and Design – Royal Blue or Burgundy  Bottoms (Pants) –  Allowable pants/slacks of solid color (khaki or black) and should meet our uniform expectations. They should be of a non-stretch, khaki or similar material.  No shorts, skorts, skirts, cargo pants (pants with many pockets) are allowed.  No excessive “sagging” is allowed. Inseam of pants must be where legs and torso join.  Excessively tight pants such as spandex, yoga pants, leggings, sweat pants or other non-uniform fabrics are not allowed. 


 Scholars must wear closed-toe shoes at all times at the Academy (no sandals, flip-flops, crocs, open-back shoes, slippers, or shoes made out of foam are allowed). Please remember that our learning spaces have sharps, blades, power tools, solvents, and acids so adherence to this policy is a priority. No headwear Hats, bandanas, beanies, headbands with extraneous distractors, etc. including sweatshirt hoods, are not allowed inside the Academy. Exemptions for headwear that may be required for religious reasons will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 


Jackets will not qualify as a replacement to an ASK polo. Jackets may be worn as long as they have a zipper front and are not excessively baggy (shoulder seams are at the shoulders and cannot hang below mid-thigh level). When worn inside, jackets must allow full view of the ASK polo (be worn unzipped indoors). Scholars can wear sweatshirts and hoodies under, but not over the ASK polo. Please remember that the ASK polo is one of our layers of security. Clothing or jewelry that are determined to pose a risk to potential injury while in the learning environment will not be permitted. Attire or accessories which advertise, display or promote any drug, alcohol, tobacco, gang, sexual activity, violence, disrespect or bigotry towards any group, or items that are associated with a gang are not permitted. All attire should be suitable for a professional environment.