Mrs. Jessica L. Gallegos » Welcome to New Mexico History

Welcome to New Mexico History

Hello All,

            I am Jessica Gallegos, the 7th New Mexico History Project Manager. I am a native New Mexican, born and raised, who has always had a passion and appreciation for this great state we live in.  I joined The ASK Academy as a new project manager for the 2021-2022 year, however I am not new to teaching. I have taught previously at an Albuquerque charter school, and bring with me some incredible experiences but more importantly I am ready and excited to have new ones at here at The ASK Academy.  My teaching philosophy is circled around a more quality versus quantity approach. So The ASK Academy’s focus on Project-Based Learning highlights this philosophy in the best way since scholars have the opportunities to have input in deciding what they work on for their project(s), plan their own project and solve problems they encounter while working on their project.   This means that I strive to provide scholars with examples and content objectives that allow them to explore and evaluate the history, geography, culture, government and the economy of the state of New Mexico for themselves.  

I believe teaching is a process of learning from scholars, colleagues, parents, and the community. This is a lifelong process where you learn new strategies, new ideas, and new philosophies. Over time, my educational philosophy may change, and that's okay. That just means that I have grown and learned new things. I look forward to this year with your scholars!



Mrs. G 


Background image Mrs. Jessica L. Gallegos`s profile picture
Mrs. Jessica L. Gallegos
7th grade Project Manager & 7th grade Team Lead
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