Mr. Eric Brown » Mr. Eric Brown (6th Grade Earth and Space Science Project Manager)

Mr. Eric Brown (6th Grade Earth and Space Science Project Manager)

I am a Father of two children, two step children, and 4 grandchildren.  I have been in education for 24 years: as a teacher, coach, and administrator. I love to spend time in the outdoors hunting, fishing, and hiking.

COURSE TITLE:    6th Grade Earth and Space Science


PHONE:  505-891-0757 x   603         

EMAIL: [email protected]

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  (Link to course descriptions 


 6th grade science is a general science class that will focus on Earth and Space concepts.  All 6th graders will be required to complete a science project.  The project will need to be approved by the teacher.  Earth and space sciences investigate processes that operate on Earth and address its place in the solar system and the galaxy.

Science class will consist of an investigation and problem solving approach with lab work and comprehensive projects.  Scholars are expected to try their very best, stay engaged, and ask questions if they need help. You are encouraged to actively participate in your science education.  

Students must come to class prepared and on time.  All scholars are expected to adhere to all class, lab, and ASK Academy rules.  Lab safety is very important, and students are expected to follow all safety protocols. Scholars are expected to produce high quality, thoughtful work that shows evidence of effort given.

Students must follow school and classroom behavior expectations.  We are all learners in this classroom and a positive, inclusive learning environment is key to our success.

 STANDARDS:  This course is aligned with the New Mexico Public Education Standards. 


Quarter Grades:  Scholars will be evaluated on the following criteria within each quarter: Assessments = Test[20%], Projects [30%], Labs [20%], Classwork(includes notes, research, interactive notebook, rough drafts) 30%.

Semester Grades - Scholar’s semester grades will be calculated as follows:

Quarter 1 – 40%      Quarter 2 – 40%      Semester Final – 20%

Quarter 3 - 40% Quarter 4- 40% Semester Final - 20%

 GRADING SCALE:   The grading scale will follow the ASK Academy standards:

A+ = 96-100 % 

A = 90-95 %

B = 80-89 %

C = 70-79 %

N/C(No credit) = Below 70 %

HOMEWORK POLICY:  Some projects may require additional time spent on it at home; however, work not completed in class will be assigned as homework. It is the responsibility of the scholar to make arrangements to run in assignments/products if an absence occurs.  

 LATE WORK POLICY: Scholars will be given an automatic deduction of 10% for any assignment turned in after the assigned due date. A “0” will be given on the due date and will be replaced with the score received after submission of the assignment. Any late work must be submitted by the following dates in accordance with progress reports and report cards being finalized. 

  • August 27th (All work prior to this date is due)
  • October 2nd (All work prior to this date is due)
  • November 6th (All work prior to this date is due)
  • December 13th (All work prior to this date is due)
  • January 28th (All work prior to this date is due)
  • February 28th (All work prior to this date is due)
  • April 1st (All work prior to this date is due)
  • May 16th (All work prior to this date is due)

Cell Phone Policy:

Cell phones are not to be used in class without Project Managers approval. Scholars are expected to keep their cell phone turned off and in their backpack at all times including before school, passing period and at lunch. 

If a Scholar does not follow the 6th grade ASK Academy policy… 

1st offense-Project Manager will keep the cell phone until the end of the class period.

2nd offense-Project Manager will turn the cell phone into the front office and the scholar can pick it up at the end of the school day.

3rd offense-Project Manager will turn the cell phone into the front office and the Scholars parent will have to pick up the cell phone. 

ABSENCES: Scholars will be responsible to check “Absent Box” and Google classroom for missed work and communicate with Mr. Brown to arrange an adjusted due date.  Any missed test/quiz will be taken on Fridays after the scholar returns, no exceptions.  It is the responsibility of the scholar to be prepared for the test/quiz upon return.

PROJECT EXPECTATIONS:  Scholars will be working on projects.  All scholars are expected to work with their project partners if a partner project is being done.  Partners will be graded on their portion of the project.  The ASK Academy is a project based learning environment.  All projects will have a grading rubric that must be followed and due dates will be the final due date. 

2024-2025 SEMESTER 1*:  The Scientific Method, Space Systems, Science Fair, and Earth Systems.

1st 9 weeks    

  •  Scientific Method/ Science Project
  • ·        Science Experiments
  • ·        Lab reports and Evaluating Results
  • ·        SI Units and Measurements
  • ·        Lab safety and Scientific tools 
  • Our Solar System, Space Exploration, The Sun- Earth- Moon Systems, Day and Night and the SeasonsThe  Moon, Solar and Lunar Eclipses, Objects in Space. 

2nd 9 weeks

  • ·        Earth's natural resources, Earth's Structure and composition, Plate Tectonics,
  • ·        Types of Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Minerals,
  • ·        Types of Rocks, Rock Cycle, Chemical and Mechanical Weathering

2024-2025 SEMESTER 2*: Geology, Weather and Climate, Human Impact

3rd 9 Weeks

  • ·        Soil Erosion and Deposition, Fossils, Ocean Water
  • ·        Ocean Currents, Parts of the Ocean Floor
  • ·        Earth's Atmosphere, The Water Cycle, Factors Affecting Climate

4th 9 Weeks

  • ·        Clouds and Precipitation, Air Pressure and Wind, Humidity and Dew Point
  • ·         Air Mass, Cold and Warm Fronts
  • ·        Human impact on Earth’s Oceans, Land, and Atmosphere

*Subject to change